domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Theatre IB, here I go!

So here I am, writing for the first time in my blog… after only my first week at Theatre IB… this is only the beginning of around 18 months of suffering (according to all ex IB-ers!), but I know they will bring MANY good thinks and experiences, that I look forward to have.

Our first class was on Tuesday March 6th. We were excited and kind of nervous, but in my case, it made me see that this is what I really want, and we will have to put LOTS OF EFFORT in order to achieve what we expect to.
Roberto explained us what the “structure” of the subject is, and the four main tasks that we will complete for the IB:

1. Research investigation

2. Practical performance proposal (ppp)

3. Theatre performance and production presentation

4. Independent project portfolio.

I should confess that I’m still a little nervous about all this work, but this class also made me think that I really want to do my best especially in this course, and in the whole IB.

On Wednesday March 7th (our second class) we entered the class and immediately had to write everything Roberto said as fast as we could. He talked about acting in Commedia dell’arte, which was a topic that we already knew form last year, but was good to revise about.
At the end of his presentation, he surprised us saying “and this is what you have to do for next class!”, and we will present our topics on Thursday 15th.
I have to talk about acting in the Spanish Golden Age, and this weekend I’ve researched in some books about it… Again, I’m kind of excited and nervous about this presentation, as I want to “start the course with the right foot”…

In our third class (Thursday 8th) we talked about this year’s school play, especially about the vision (a proyection or image of how we want the play to look like) and stimuli. We had different ideas for the play’s vision, and we are all really excited about it.

Last class of the week (Friday March 9th):   Once again, we discussed about the school play. We talked about the different conventions for different kinds of theatre (e.g Kabuki and theatre for children), and came up with ideas for the play.
I like the fact that we will be working with masks and different kinds of puppets (a completely different idea from last years’ plays), which we have to research about for Tuesday.

So as I said before, this is only the beginning of our course, and I’m really looking forward to see different plays, start working with the school play, going to Paucartambo
(wuu), creating the one act play, etc.

I have lots of questions in my head in this moment…
Is it true that Theatre is the most “time-consuming” course of the IB? Will it be very hard to be part of the school play’s “production and creating” team for the first time? Will everyone like the (new and kind of creepy) concept of this year’s school play? And, (we’ll see on Thursday…) will it be hard and stressful to be in charge of the play rehearsals for the first time?

2 comentarios:

  1. We've already got the game, and it was proposed in your class.

    Try to avoid emotional comments the sort of "I like this" or "I'm looking forward to that", but rather try to reflect on the things we have done in class and ask yourself what the implications are, the role of those issues to define theatre in general, the reasons why we do them, the way they would work in practice, the connections you might make with things you previously knew, etc. Basically, I want to see what you are learning so far, and how you're building your learning path. This is not Sophie's diary. Welcome to the IB.


  2. De acuerdo con el comentario anterior. Deja de lado tus emociones y procura reflexionar mas acerca de lo aprendido en clase, lo que esta por delante y lo que te falta para poder cumplir con esas expectativas
